Excellence through Telecom Standards
Excellence through Telecom Standards


  • Countries on all continents
    • TMF training sessions: eTOM/SID/ODA... courses
    • TMF coaching sessions on behalf of TMF



  • Switzerland
    • Cable Operator: RFP Support for OSS & BSS System of the DOCSIS network
    • Telecom Operator: OSS consolidation analysis following a merge
  • Austria+Bulgaria+Croatia+...
    • Mobile Group: RFP support for Resource Inventory Management project with 7 OpCos
  • France
    • Insurance Company: RFP support for Telecom Expense Management
    • Bank: RFP support for Telecom Expense Management




  • Thailand
    • Mobile Operator: MDM project with common information model based on SID to improve Product Lifecycle Management
  • India
    • Mobile/Fixed/Long Haul operator: Specifications and launch of OSS/BSS applications (based on eTOM and SID models)
    • Mobile operator: OSS architecture for the launch of a 4G network

Middle East

  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    • Mobile Operator: Product Lifecycle Management project - Process & Model Architecture
    • Electricity Company: Organization & Process Transformation
  • Kuwait
    • Mobile Operator: Enterprise DatawareHouse based on SID - Architecture review
  • Palestine
    • Mobile Operator: Process Re-engineering


  • Algeria
    • Mobile Operator: OSS/BSS Migration architecture
  • Training sessions in several countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Botswana, South Africa...

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